Erosion Control
Erosion comes in many forms, but water erosion is one of the most destructive forces affecting roads and other surfaces like river banks & coastlines, hillsides, slopes, embankments, etc. While water erosion takes place naturally in the environment, human activities almost always accelerate the process of erosion.

When examining paved/asphalted roads, water is particularly damaging for several reasons:
- As a floating surface, asphalt is only as good as the base on which it is laid. If and when water reaches the base, erosion will inevitably follow. Once erosion takes place, the asphalted surface is no longer supported and will eventually collapse, creating potholes.
- Asphalt is a semi-pervious surface, meaning that a percentage of the water that hits it will penetrate. Over time with degradation this penetration becomes worse making it highly susceptible to the damaging effects of “freeze-thaw” cycles and sub-base failure.

As a result of failures at the base and sub-base, asphalt regularly requires crack filling, re-sealing and pothole repair. With water penetration at the surface, regular failures are accelerated and will ultimately necessitate complete road reconstruction within 7-10 years.
Because LANDLOCK® surfaces have a root system that extends into the base, our maintenance requires nothing more than sweeping the surface clean and applying another topical application.
The result is a surface that becomes stronger over time and remains an asset, not a liability.
When examining unpaved roads, rain-water combined with regular road traffic is even more damaging, resulting in any or all of the following problems that require significant investments of time and money to fix:
- Gravel Loss/Settlement: Requires the importation of new material/stone
- Rutting, Potholing & Washboarding: Requires regular shaping & grading maintenance
- Washouts (a muddy road in layman’s terms): Requires time to dry out or the importation of new stone
When LANDLOCK® is integrated into native soils/aggregates, what was once a major liability will become a massive asset, no longer requiring on-going maintenance and no longer becoming a waste of your time and resources.