LANDLOCK® Advantages For Roads
Road designs vary greatly from country to country, but are generally calculated based on the performance metrics that need to be achieved. A super-highway will have a much larger profile of design than a rural road. However, all road profiles generally have three basic layers: a drainage layer, base and wear-course.
Just like a chain, every road is only as strong as its weakest link. Herein lies the problem. When a wear-course like asphalt begins to fail, evident by cracking and potholes, generally it is due to failures at the base or sub-base. Why then during construction would these critical layers only be compacted with water and therefore left “unstabilized,” and susceptible to water and vibratory erosion?
When integrating LANDLOCK® into one (or all) of these three layers/sections of the road, it allows builders to gain several critical advantages that significantly reduce the traditional waste associated with modern road construction.

Advantages for Primary/Urban Roads & Highways
Profile Reduction
Based on extensive lab and field testing, a LANDLOCK® treated base will be 2-20 times stronger than an unstabilized base. This means that engineers can significantly reduce the profile of design of the road and still achieve the required performance metrics. A smaller profile of design means less material. At the same time, builders will see a reduction in material spreading and transportation costs, while simultaneously increasing production rates. The entire construction process is more efficient and less wasteful - Smarter Infrastructure.
Extended Life Cycle
As mentioned above, traditional wear-courses like asphalt are only as good as their base. It is only logical then that a wear-course laid on a rock-hard, erosion free LANDLOCK® treated base will last much longer than when laid on an unstabilized base. A longer life means less money being wasted on costly maintenance work, leaving more money to spend in other areas.
Advantages for Feeder/Farm-to-Market Roads
Paving/Stabilizing Dirt and Gravel Roads
Across the world, even in developed countries, there are millions of miles of unpaved roads that are a constant source of fugitive dust and waste given their need for constant maintenance. Because unpaved roads have no protection from rainfall, water erosion will turn a newly graded, rural road into a muddy mess, that once dried out, is then covered with potholes and washboarding. It is a vicious cycle that, previously, was impossible to win.